The past month has been crazy. Amelia went swimming for the first time and LOVED the water. I bought a baby float and she screamed the whole time she was in it. When I held her in the water, she did the doggie paddle swim and wanted me to scoot her around. She splashed and laughed. Two days later, I get a call from her daycare. “Everything is fine, but Amelia has a fever of 102.” I ran out of work and picked her up to take her to the doctor. Poor baby had an ear infection L I will have to get some earplugs for her next swimming event.

We have started going to the park at 8am on the weekends. This is the perfect time because it’s not too hot and nobody is there. She’s walking pretty well, so I let her roam around and she loves it. My baby is growing up!
I didn't know she was walking that well on her own!!!! We will have to go with you to the park sometime.