Monday, April 25, 2011

"Girly Girl" or "Tom Boy"?

         I often wonder what Amelia will be like when she gets older.  Will she be a “girly girl” or a “tom boy”?  Me, I was a little of both.  One of my favorite things to do was climb trees.  If I was outside, I was in a tree somewhere.

         On the other hand, I loved dancing.  Every year, I looked forward to the recital.  My family would all pile up and watch the ballet that I had been practicing for all year.  My part was less than five minutes with 15 other little girls, but I thought I was the center of the show.

         Will she like sports or ballet?  Hubby says she will be a Motorcross star.  Whatever she chooses, she will be the best in my eyes.



  1. Aww, look at you, you're so cute!!!!

  2. Amelia can be both! Just expose her to a lot of experiences and she will choose her favorites (which will change over the years). Love the blog.....Grandma Sherri

  3. I'm sure she will be her own person and all all of the above. My youngest was such a tom boy, we figured she would always be that way. Now she's the girliest girl you can imagine.

    I'm running behind but I wanted to stop by and thank you for joining the Tuesday Train! So, so sorry!!

  4. You were too cute! And your daughter is adorable. I love those chubby baby cheeks! So sweet. :)

    I'm following you back. Thanks so much for visiting and following A Helicopter Mom.


  5. Happy mothers day,your baby is so cute.Am your newest reader from the hop,looking forward in reading more of your post,pls return the love.thanks

  6. Happy mothers day,your baby is so cute.Am your newest reader from the hop,looking forward in reading more of your post,pls return the love.thanks


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